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How to Protect Your Valuables During a Move

No matter how careful you are when moving from place to place, there’s always a possibility that something could get rubbed the wrong way, dented, or scratched during the moving process. This is why professional movers use several types of protective covers to keep your valuables looking new. When you move on your own without the help of a professional moving company, these small details can be overlooked. So, how do you protect your furniture during a big move, and avoid damaging your valuables? Here are some tips from Coffey Bros Movers.

Cover Your Couches

The first step to take when protecting your furniture during a move is to cover up couches, chairs, and other upholstered items to keep fabric from staining or tearing in transit. This will also keep our cushions and couches clean from dirt and debris which could transfer over during the moving process. Couch and chair covers are very similar to decorative slip covers in shape, but are made from cheaper materials, such as plastic or thin fabric.

Bubble Wrap Hard Surfaces

Mirrors, glass baubles, and lamps aren’t the only breakable objects in your home which can benefit from a protective layer of bubble wrap. Coffee tables, desks, and other solid wood which could be scratched or suffer damage during a move should be wrapped in a protective layer. Bubble wrap isn’t a risk-free method of protection, but it will place an elevated layer between one object and the next.

Once layer of bubble wrap will do in most cases, but you can double and triple wrap items which are more fragile. As an extra measure against scrapes and breaks, stack flat surfaces against other flat surfaces, rather than facing a table top and table legs together, which could result in torn or broken bubble wrap and more damage.

Cardboard to Keep Things Straight

Paintings, prints, posters, and any other decorative items which could be damaged if bent should be pressed between two flat surfaces. Corrugated cardboard is a great way to keep straight objects straight and dent or tear free. Place two pieces of cardboard on either side of the item, be sure the cardboard is slightly longer and wider than the item being protected. Tape the cardboard together to keep it tight and flat. When you get to your new home, be careful prying the cardboard apart and delicately remove the tape.

Seal up Loose Objects in Bags

When you move, it’s best to dismantle as many items as you can to simplify the process and lighten the load. Bookshelves, baby cribs, and tv units can often be taken apart and then restored to completion at your next location. When you take items apart, you should be careful that all connecting components, tools, screws, and nails are kept safe for reuse. We suggest using small zip sealed bags or pouches to keep loose odds and ends together for the rebuild.

Make a Plan

It’s a good idea to have a placement plan when packing a moving truck. Once all boxes and furniture are ready to load, take a look at each item, it’s shape and weight, and determine where it would best fit when loading the truck. Large, heavy, sturdy items on the bottom and lighter objects on top. Anything that might topple over, or slide during transit should be secured to the floor or wall using straps. If you can’t fill a truck completely, large items could slide out of place during starts and stops and crush smaller, fragile items.

Call a Professional

If you’re concerned about protecting your furniture, even after following these tips and guidelines, call a professional. Most movers are happy to share their know-how with potential clients. You can also hire a moving team to come help with the packing process, but move yourself to cut costs if you’re concerned about affordability. Many moving companies rent or sell packing materials to help protect furniture, you can also purchase these materials from many shipping companies which specialize in protecting packages in transit.

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Coffey Bros. Moving

  • 9901 Derby Lane, Westchester, IL 60154, United States
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: Closed
  • (773) 628-7798


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