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Planning for the Move: 4 Tips from Professional Movers

There are plenty of tips, tricks and moving hacks online to help you get ready before moving day, but when it comes to moving, nobody does it better than the professionals. At Coffey Bros Moving, our goal is to make moving as simple as possible for our customers. To help you prep and organize, we’ve combined 4 of our favorite tips.

1. Take Photos of Your New Home and Plan Your Organization in Advance

Before moving in, it’s a good idea to get a feel for your new home and plan where you’ll put everything once you arrive. This saves you a lot of explaining and moving boxes around after the moving process is complete. A great way to figure out your next possible layout is to take photos of the new space before you move in. This will allow you to play around on your computer, or with paper and pencil, and design the layout you want to see.

Not only will this make you feel more at ease once you get to the new house, it will also help you organize your boxes during packing. Keeping all the same rooms together throughout the packing and moving process. For example, maybe in the old house your desks and computers were in the living room, but the new house has space for an office. Photos of the new space will let you plan your packing accordingly.

2. Take Photos of Complicated Electronic Setups

It’s not just the new house you should photograph. A great moving hack when disconnecting and reconnecting electronics is to photograph the area where connections are made. This will help you re-align wires and setups when you get to the new place. There’s nothing more frustrating than arriving with your sound system, television, and cable box, only to realize you’ve misplaced instructions, and will have to dig through boxes and boxes to find them. By keeping a digital copy of these photos on your phone, or tablet, you can easily get reconnected and setup with little to no fuss.

3. Defrost Fridge and Freezer Early

Your refrigerator can be a hassle to clean, especially if it hasn’t been properly defrosted before hand. When you’re just about ready for moving day, get your cold groceries into the new home, or send them over to friends and neighbors to use up. You might have to live off PB & J and takeout for a few days, but it will be well worth it when it comes time to move your refrigerator and you’re all set to go.

Be sure to thoroughly wipe out your fridge and freezer with antibacterial soap or wipes. Once the cold temperature is reduced to room temperature, any food particles become a breeding ground for bacteria. It would be awful to move into the new house with a fridge full of mold or mildew.

4. Start the Cleaning Well in Advance

Just like the refrigerator, you want to start cleaning other appliances, and the whole house before moving time arrives. Why? Because while it will certainly be easier to reach those hard to get at spaces once all the furniture is gone, it’s a real hassle to have to come back and scour the old place when all you want to do is get settled into the new one. To avoid this kind of mess, start early and make your way through your house one step at a time.

It’s an especially good idea to clean out hard to clean areas in advance. For example, your oven can take days to clean, especially if it isn’t self-cleaning and it has quite a bit of buildup on it. The bathroom, grout between tiles, and other tough to whiten spaces should be done a few days in advance as well.

If you’re curious about other tips and tricks of the trade, we encourage you to read through our other blog articles here on the Coffey Bros Moving website. We are constantly updating our blog with moving relevant information. So, whether you’re planning a DIY move, or you’ll be using a team of professionals, you’ll be ready when moving day arrives.

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Coffey Bros. Moving

  • 9901 Derby Lane, Westchester, IL 60154, United States
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: Closed
  • (773) 628-7798


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