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Moving Day: 6 Tips to Choose the Perfect Day

Moving doesn’t have to be the hassle most people make it out to be. All you need is a little bit of organization and the perfect moving day. To choose the right moving day, there are a few factors to consider. You don’t want it to be too close to anything important, as this can cause added stress, but you also need to think about who will be available to help out on any given day, as well as the weather.

At Coffey Bros Moving, we understand the importance of the perfect moving day, which is why we’ve included 6 tips to help you narrow it down. In the end, what’s important is that you choose a day that’s convenient for you and those moving you, the rest is just icing on the cake.

1. Avoid Holiday Moves: As we mentioned, moving near special occasions or holidays can be tricky. Not only is there added stress in the form of gift shopping and meal prep, but you’ll be nervous about getting things in and out in time. Holiday moving can also be difficult because businesses have different hours around this time of the year, and you might find yourself without a moving company on the day you’ve chosen due to holiday hours.

If you do choose to move around the holidays, because this is the best time for those moving, just be sure to prep ahead for any meals or gift giving festivities, and check hours of operation for any businesses you need. This includes any grocery stores, home hardware locations, and packing material shops you might need to use throughout your move.

2. Check with Friends and Relatives First: If you’re enlisting the help of your friends and family for the big move, it’s best to choose a day when everyone is free. It can be difficult to please everybody, so rather than asking what each person would prefer, pick a day that works for you and run it by everybody. If it turns out that the Sunday you chose doesn’t work, but the Saturday before it would work, you’ll have a day sorted that includes your moving helpers.

3. Stick to Sunny Months: Okay, so you can’t always move in the spring and summer, we know this, but you can avoid rainy seasons and snow storms by choosing a month that brings more sunshine than not. Of course, it could still rain on your parade, and you’ll have to account for that when moving day arrives, but in the mean time, you won’t be worrying about that Nor’easter that’s coming in off the coast of Maine.

4. Move Around Pay Day: Money is a huge part of moving, because there are almost always unforeseen expenses no matter how well you plan. To avoid getting caught without enough to cover the costs, move close to your pay day. This gives you a cushion of protection if a pipe bursts, or you simply end up paying more on packing materials than originally thought.

It also gives you plenty of extra money to celebrate with when you get settled into the new house, and want to throw your house warming party.

5. Choose a Day When Childcare Is Abundant: If you have kids, a huge feature on moving day will be childcare. Not only is it impossible to pack and move with little ones running around, but it can be dangerous to have children underfoot when heavy items are being transferred and stored. Choose your moving day based on whether your babysitter, daycare, or grandma is available.

6. Consider Your Work Schedule: Finally, you’ll want a day when you know you not only don’t have to work, but can rest the following day as well. We usually suggest picking a 2-3 day off period, so you have time to prep the day before, move the day of, and recuperate the day after. Remember that the moving isn’t done when you get from one house to the next, you still have to unpack and make your space livable. Always give yourself enough time to get comfortable before diving back into a regular work week.

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Coffey Bros. Moving

  • 9901 Derby Lane, Westchester, IL 60154, United States
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: Closed
  • (773) 628-7798


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