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5 Ways to Embrace Your Move During Halloween

Moving doesn’t have to be all organizing, packing, and heavy lifting. If you’re willing to look for some fun in all that work, there can be a silver lining to a big move. A great example of this is seen at Halloween, when all those boxes, empty space, and extra packing paper can make for a truly spooky experience. At Coffey Bros Orlando, we have helped pack our share of houses near holidays and community events, and over the years we’ve collected a few fun Halloween tips for movers.

1. Turn That Empty Space into an Evening of Haunts: Whether you’re finally moving out, or just moving in, a big empty house full of boxes make for a great pre-made haunted house. No need to hide the family photos or cover the kid’s toys for a spooky atmosphere, you can create a haunting experience with very little effort by embracing your newly empty house and turning it into a positive.

A few white sheets, zombie props, and strobe lights in the dark, and your house, old or new, will be the talk of the town. Invite all your friends to enjoy the creepy ambience for a good old -fashioned Halloween party, or let the neighborhood kids take a walk through on a hunt for candy.

2. Put Those Packing Materials to Good Use: When packing for a big move, it becomes normal to see tape, boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap everywhere you turn. Believe it or not, packing materials make the perfect Halloween tools, especially if you’re creative and can think outside the box for your costume. Become a robot, mobile phone, or social media app by decorating a box for the night of tricks and treats.

Use strips of packing paper as mummification wrappings, paint bubble wrap green to give yourself a swamp thing makeover, or create the perfect creepy coffin prop for your vampire costume out of a moving box.

3. Get Away from the House with a Trunk or Treat Event: Halloween can be hectic, there’s costumes, stage makeup, candy, and plenty of people trekking through your yard. Avoid the madness and escape your packing frenzy by attending a trunk or treat event in your neighborhood. Trunk or treat is a great way to avoid making a mess of your well -organized packing at home, while still enjoying a little fun and candy with the kids.

Trunk or treats take place within the neighborhood in church parking lots or community centers. You decorate your vehicle, and fill the trunk with treats. Everybody parks, pops the trunk, and kids can wander from car to car, instead of house to house. When it’s all over, pack up and drive home with your loot.

4. Stock Up on Sweet Treats for the Trip: Halloween offers some great incentives for travel snacks, especially if your move is cross country. Whether you achieve your travel candy goals by raiding the kids loot bags after trick or treat, or you take advantage of the sales racks the day after Halloween, it’s a great time to find bulk chips, candy, chocolates, soda and more. Maybe they aren’t the healthiest travel snacks, but they’re certainly the most fun.

5. Dig Up New Treasures While You Pack Away Old Ones: Packing a house for a big move leads to uncovering some interesting items. Some things you may have had around for years and completely forgot about, others might have been left behind from a previous tenant. Halloween is a great excuse to dig out these old treasures and recycle them into something new. If you can’t find a way to repurpose items into a costume for yourself or the kids, you may be able to make some money while downsizing by selling the used items to a consignment store.

There’s no better time to sell old clothes and forgotten souvenirs than Halloween when everybody is looking for a bargain on some unique items to mix and match.

However you choose to embrace Halloween this year during your big move, Coffey Bros wishes you a safe and happy Halloween, with plenty of candy and fun for the family!

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Coffey Bros. Moving

  • 9901 Derby Lane, Westchester, IL 60154, United States
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: Closed
  • (773) 628-7798


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