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3 Simple Steps to Moving with Pets

Our furry friends – they are always there for us in both times of need and happiness. We need to be there for them, especially when we are moving locations. When moving to a new residence, a pet is often overwhelmed. They live by sight, sound, and smell and everything in a new home is different than they are used to. These three simple steps to moving with pets from reliable movers in Orlando will help your pet survive a move and be less stressed about it!


Before moving, it is imperative that you visit your current veterinarian. You need to do this for a variety of reasons. It is important to update your address with your vet and to get all your pet’s medical records to take with you to your new city. It is critical to get a check-up for your pet to make sure they are in good health for the move. You also need to get new identification tags with the correct address listed as well as any other updated tags (rabies). It is wise to have the vet groom them as well as cut their nails to prevent scratches in the car. Lastly, ask your vet for suggestions on finding a new vet. Know what questions to ask and how to go about finding a reputable and caring new veterinarian for your pet. If you already have made arrangements for a new veterinarian, update your current pet professional with this information.

Pet Rules

It is of the utmost importance to know the rules and regulations regarding pets and animals at your new residence. You don’t want to offend anyone or get kicked out of your new place because you didn’t know your pet couldn’t be off leash, bark at certain times or any other pet rules.

Another important aspect of moving with a pet is not to allow them to roam outside at the new residence by themselves. They do not know the new surroundings yet and could get lost or into trouble if left unsupervised. Since you are new to the place as well, you don’t know if there is deep water outside the perimeter or if a family of animals is living nearby (possums, snakes, raccoons) that could endanger your unsuspecting pet. There is also the possibility the pet could roam too far and get lost.


Car Travel

When it comes to pets, they are part of the family. Just like the personalities of some humans, pets have their own personality and traits. Therefore, some pets do not do well with travel. If you have a pet that does not travel well, it would be wise to speak with your veterinarian to get some suggestions on how to ease the stress and anxiety of the journey for your pet.

Medication is an option for pets. There are some good anti-anxiety and car sickness meds that work well on some pets. When traveling, make sure your pet is restrained in a car crate or travel container. It is unsafe for both you and the pet for them to be crawling all over the car.

Air Travel

If traveling by air, make sure to check all the rules and regulations of the airline for traveling with pets. Health records will be required for departure, and some airlines will allow pets to travel in a crate in the cabin. Others will not allow in-cabin travel and require the pet to be put in the space underneath the plane. There are a lot of rules regarding flying with pets so be sure to check with your local airlines.


A move is hard for your four-legged friends, so be sure to give them extra love. Walk them frequently, pet them, and give them extra attention. Also, pack a travel bag for your pet with all the essentials you will need in case the pet starts to stress out or act up. Contents include a favorite toy for distraction, a bone to chew on, medication for relaxation, treats, collar and leash, food and water bowls, and litter box/poop bags.

Moving is hard for everybody, but can be especially hard on pets. By following these simple steps to moving with pets, you can lessen the stress your four-legged fur baby is feeling!

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Coffey Bros. Moving

  • 9901 Derby Lane, Westchester, IL 60154, United States
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: Closed
  • (773) 628-7798


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